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How much is 1000 diamonds in TikTok?

The current exchange rate for TikTok Diamonds is 0.00.5 USD which means 1 diamond = 0.005 USD and 1,000 diamonds are equal to 5 USD. Remember, one TikTok coin is equal to half a diamond. Keep in mind that this calculator uses the current exchange rate and might not exactly match your actual TikTok earnings.

How much is a diamond in a TikTok coin?

The calculator will convert your diamonds into US dollars using the current exchange rate and display the result. The current exchange rate for TikTok Diamonds is 0.00.5 USD which means 1 diamond = 0.005 USD and 1,000 diamonds are equal to 5 USD. Remember, one TikTok coin is equal to half a diamond.

What are TikTok diamonds?

Diamonds are a virtual currency used on TikTok during live streams. Viewers can purchase Coins using real money on the platform and then use them to send virtual gifts to their favorite creators. The coin is then split into Diamonds to distribute to the Creators, this can then be exchanged for real money.

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